NMBDT's Day Training Program

We are beyond thrilled to begin offering this service to our clients! But it’s important to understand a few things before enrolling your dog in our day training program.

First off, it’s NOT daycare. We are going to be taking three dogs a day MAXIMUM into this program. While daycare is a great outlet for dogs to play and get energy out, this program is much more focused on structure and skill building!You drop your dog off with us in the morning and we will spend the day working the dogs on all skills they need or are requested by you, and if they are social they can have one on one play with other staff dogs (when appropriate) for breaks. If they aren’t, they will get play breaks with humans! However, the importance of day school is to give your dog a place to come learn and get a structured day, so too much play would hinder that. Day training is more about giving your dog a chance to learn, work and play in a way so it will carry on at home. 

You let us know when booking the trouble spots you’re struggling with and we prioritize things to work on that day. 

Skills we’d be happy to work on for you would be:

  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Leash skills
  • Place
  • Coming when called
  • Not jumping
  • Not mouthing
  • Relaxing when excited
  • Body handling
  • Crate training/potty training
  • Muzzle training
  • Tether training
  • Confidence building
  • Car anxiety
  • Exposure to new stimuli, sounds and surfaces.
  • Separation work
  • And more!

Dogs will individually go out on excursions to get real world public work and socializing too, and get plenty of breaks between training sessions to help processing and stress. At the end of the day you will pick up a tired dog, a progress report with skills we worked on, and some homework for you to continue doing too!

This program is not just for puppies, although it is great for them too. We will happily accommodate any age dog, but at this time cannot accept dogs with aggression towards people or dogs in the program. Dogs that are selective – or don’t want to play – but coexist just fine are more than welcome. Dogs will not be kept together, but kenneled individually and only 2-4 dogs a day will help exposure work as well as reducing arousal and stress.

I am beyond excited to begin offering this service from NMBDT because I think it can be extremely helpful for people who work long hours and/or want to kick start or bolster their training. It is NOT a replacement for the work you do at home with your dog but you will notice progress a lot faster, and behavior sticking better!

Right now this program is mainly for current or past customers of NMBDT. Outside dogs will be allowed, but on an approved basis and we will schedule meet and greets prior to scheduling to make sure the program is a good fit. As always, my priority with any service we bring is setting the bar for safety, service and satisfaction – on both ends of the leash. Wondering if your dog is a good fit for the program? Contact us today and we can chat first!