DOG BEHAVIOR PROBLEM?   Call 603-856-7509 OR    Email Helen For Help

DOG BEHAVIOR PROBLEM?   Call 603-856-7509 OR
  Email Helen For Help

Specialty Classes

On top of doing one on one behavior consultations, No Monkey Business Dog Training, Helen St. Pierre, CPDT-KSA, CDBC, OSCT teaches a variety of classes locally. Puppy training and other dog training classes are taught using positive and effective methods and as well as basic obedience, your dog will learn other important everyday skills.

Dog training classes are taught at No Monkey Business Dog Training. We teach classes on weekday evenings and weekends so you can find a class that fits your schedule. We recommend if you are considering signing up for a class that you thoroughly review your personal schedule to ensure you will not miss classes. It is fine to miss one, and we will help you make up what you missed the next class, but most dogs do best when they can come every week. It is fine for someone else to bring the dog in your place if you are away, including your pet sitter or dog walker!

Classes run on most holidays except for July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas, unless otherwise noted, or discussed in the first class depending on group attendance. We do our best to work around everyone’s schedule but also know the benefits dogs experience by coming to classes each week instead of missing weeks in-between. If you have a conflict due to a holiday and we are still running the class, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you and have you drop in to one of the other classes!

Confident Canine Level 1

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Some dogs are nervous of new places, new people, and new things. This is a great class for those nervous nellies to warm up to coming to a new place and have fun building skills without the pressure of too much obedience. This is also an excellent ice breaker before attending a basic class like Level 1 with your dog.

In this class we take it slow, we have fun, and we let our dogs learn all about life at their own pace. Every week we challenge them in new ways, even if its just coming through the door.

Your dog doesn’t have to have attended a class at NMBDT before coming to this class, but should not have outward aggression or reactivity out of fear. Please contact us if you have questions prior to registering. Any age of dog is welcome!

Confident Canine


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Sundays 9am

Controlled Unleashed Level 1

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Based on Leslie McDevitt’s books “Control Unleashed: Creating a Focused and Confident Dog” and “Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed,” Control Unleashed™ is a training program for students and dogs who are ready to strengthen their communication and connection around distractions.

Despite the class title, Control Unleashed is a fun curriculum taught while your dog is on-leash in our huge facility. Turn stress into confidence and distraction into focus.  Build your dog’s ability to relax, focus, and work reliably in either stimulating or stressful situations using training games that increase attention, reduce the power of stressors and the pull of distractions while you and your dog have fun in a friendly, safe, and supportive environment.

With an emphasis on handler focus, impulse control and coming when called in the presence of common distractions, this class is a must for those planning to participate in dog sports like agility, but also for any handler of a young, easily distracted, impulsive or insecure dog. It’s also a great next step for dogs who have just completed reactive rover!

Dogs should have completed a level 1 or get prior approval to take this class!


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Sundays 10am

Confident Canine Level 2

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

You’ve taken the first Level of Confident Canine, but you’d like to now add some new places, new people and experiences to your worried dogs world! In this customized and safe class, your dog and you can get exposure to new things at a pace you both are comfortable with, and with the help of a trainer


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Sundays 11am

Controlled Unleashed Level 2

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

You’ve taken the first Level of Controlled Unleashed, but you’d like to now add some new places, new people and experiences to your dogs world! Here’s where we take pattern games on the road and practice in public!!


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Sundays 12pm

Sniffari on Saturdays!

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Do you have a reactive dog? A dog that is nervous or anxious? A dog that is excitable? Are you looking for something fun that your senior dog can participate in? Then our Sniffari Saturday is the place to be!

Sniffari’s are a 1:1 activity, just you and your pup without the added distraction of other people or dogs! Your pup will get the opportunity to tap into their natural instincts, which has so many benefits!

Sniffing engages their brain, which can tire them out more effectively than exercise alone!

Sniffing promotes problem solving, confidence building, reduction in stress/anxiety, calmness, prevents boredom, and can help reduce destructive behaviors.


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Saturdays 3pm, 345pm, 430pm and 515pm

K9 Thrills & Skills Obstacle Course

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Get ready for a tail-wagging good time, where dogs and their guardians tackle a fun obstacle course designed to provide physical and mental stimulation. This course fosters teamwork and bonding as you both work through multiple stations that include agility, fitness, tricks, and parkour,  increasing confidence and problem solving.  This course offers a series of challenges that will keep both dogs and their guardians engaged and entertained.


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Thursdays 715pm

Service Dog Training Consult Package

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 10 weeks and up) 4 week (30 min) private sessions – $320

This 4 week consult package helps potential service dog teams work on skills and public access work one on one with one of our skilled service dog trainers. Every team will have different goals or needs and we can accommodate those here. Skills can range from basic obedience and working under distractions to task training like picking things up, mobility support and more.




No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Sundays 6pm and 640pm

Fun and Focus!!

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Want to learn some new tricks? Want to add some cool new games to your training routine while still gaining focus and problem solving? This fun class will mix it up for you and your dog and help you continue your training partnership with tricks, pattern games, footwork exercises, impulse control work and SO much more. This is a great class for anyone who has completed a level 1 class or above. Can’t wait to see you there!

Bored to Busy


No Monkey Business
78 Regional Drive,
Building 2,
Concord NH

Day & Time​

Sundays 11am

Double Trouble

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 15 weeks and up) 4 weeks with 2 dogs $375

Have multiple dogs in the house? Two dogs that spend a lot of time together? Family member that wants to take a class with you with their dog? This is a great class for you!

This class is SPECIFICALLY designed for multi dog households. Exercises in manners, boundaries, distractions, leash walking together etc are all a part of this class to not just strengthen the relationship you have with your dogs, but the relationship your dogs have with each other.

Each dog will need to have their own handler and it would be helpful if at least one or both had completed a class already but not necessary!!

Double Trouble


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive,
Building 2,
Concord NH

Day & Time​

Sunday 12pm

Canine Sports Sampler Class

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 15 weeks and up) 4 weeks $220

Canine Sports Sampler Class 

Is your dog in need of a job? Not sure where to start or what your dog would enjoy? This class will be a wonderful low pressure opportunity to dip your toes into the world of Canine Scentwork (sport equivalent of what working detection dogs do) as well as Trick Dog/Stunt Dog Performance. Dogs of all ages and physical ability are able to participate in this class. At least one handler per dog is required for the intro class. Please bring your highest value treats (fresh items are best, the stronger the odor the better). Soft treat items that will not crumble and can be consumed in one bite are best. Recommended equipment for this class: Fixed length leash, a well fitted harness, treat pouch, and a busy item for your dog such as a chew or stuffed kong. All other supplies will be provided by the instructor. Please be prepared to set your dog up either in a crate (you are welcome to bring one in the building, a crate area will be set up) during the Scentwork portion of this class. If you intend to use a soft travel crate please be sure your dog is acclimated to it prior to class, alternatively if it would be more comfortable for your dog you can choose to put them up in your vehicle between runs. If you have a dog who needs accommodation or if you are unsure if this class would be appropriate for your dog please contact the instructor directly by email ([email protected]). While distance should be maintained between teams at all times during class, DINOS (Dogs In Need Of Space) are requested to please sport their favorite RED Bandana as a visual aid to other teams.


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive,
Building 2,
Concord NH

Day & Time​

Wednesdays 7pm

The Nose Knows – Scentwork for beginners

Specialty Class

 Scentwork – The Nose Knows (4 weeks) $220

Please be prepared to set your dog up in a crate (you are welcome to bring one in the building, a crate area will be set up). If you intend to use a soft travel crate please be sure your dog is acclimated to it prior to class, alternatively if it would be more comfortable for your dog you can choose to put them up in your vehicle between runs. This class is also welcoming to DINOS (Dogs In Need of Space), if you have a dog who needs accommodation or if you are unsure if this class would be appropriate for your dog please contact the instructor directly by email ([email protected]). While distance should be maintained between teams at all times during class, DINOS are requested to please sport their favorite *RED Bandana* as a visual aid to other teams. 


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive,
Building 2,
Concord NH

Day & Time​

Wednesdays 8pm

Family Fun Agility

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

Want to move your dog and have fun as a team together without any pressure of competing? Want to involve the kids with training but want to do so in a structured way? Would you like to build your dogs confidence and strengthen your bond? This is a perfect class for you.

Family Fun Agility is a class designed to work on obstacles, build small courses and learn the exciting sport of agility without pressure to compete. Should you and your dog love this introduction we can help guide you to the next steps!


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Wednesdays 6pm

Family Fun Nosework

Specialty Class

(Dogs aged 4 months and up) 4 weeks $220

A great way to learn about nose work and involve the whole family too! Come have a blast learning about all the ways dogs use their nose and keep everyone busy during the cold winter months!


No Monkey Business Dog Training
78 Regional Drive, Building 2
Concord, NH 03301

Day & Time​

Tuesdays 7pm